God’s Faithfulness in the Quiet Seasons

Last week, I had an experience with the Lord that reminded me of His faithfulness, and His attention to our personal prayer requests. For several years, one of the bible topics that I have been studying is prayer. I have studied various books written by nationally recognized intercessors, combed through the scriptures, and made petitions about many things in prayer. But after this intense focus regarding prayer, I had some unanswered questions. These questions pertained to the results of my prayers. Why were certain types of prayers being answers but other types were not?  Of course, it would be easy to rely on the short answers such as, it’s not God’s season, or you’re not praying the right thing, or it was not God’s will. But the teacher in me continued to think about specific experiences, such as situations causing burnout, destruction, premature death, and continual and reoccurring stories of unfulfilled purpose among God’s people. I knew there was more to this story. This was a mystery! A mystery that was in the scriptures. Last week, God began to unfold the mysteries related to these long-awaited questions. As I continue combing through the scriptures, asking God for understanding, crying because it has taken me so long to uncover these mysteries, and grateful that the Lord is giving me a deeper understanding of His character, and His desire for those who love Him, and choose to follow Him; I am so grateful that I did not stop asking for His revelations. I did not stop seeking. Although I am not at liberty to share many details of this experience currently, I want to encourage you to trust that the Lord is listening to your prayers, continue to pursue intimacy with Christ when you have unanswered questions. Continue to search the scriptures. The Lord desires to reveal the mysteries of the scriptures to you.

Matthew7: 7-8; 1 John 5:14-15



A Call to Truth