A Call to Truth

For several days I have been thinking about how we are called as Christians to walk in the confidence that comes from Christ (2Corinthians 3:4-5).

Such is the reliance and confidence that we have through Christ toward and with reference to God.

Not that we are fit (qualified and sufficient in ability) of ourselves to form personal judgments or to claim or count anything as coming from us, but our power and ability and sufficiency are from God.

This Christ confidence causes us to stand up for righteousness, regardless of the repercussions that we may face. Although every believer has the responsibility to embody and stand up for truth, there are some who are compelled by it. We need this truth, it demonstrates God’s love for us (Romans 5:8), convicts us of our sin, causes us to become instruments of forgiveness, encourages us to assist our brothers and sisters in many ways, and increases our desire to reach souls for the Kingdom of God, by fulfilling the Great Commission.

To the Body of Christ: We are called to demonstrate unity. When we stand together as the Kingdom of God, we are strong. When we pray for one another, we gain strength and power, and we see the hand of God move on behalf of ourselves, our brothers, and sisters. The ways in which God is going to use the prophetic voice in this era, is like no other. The prophetic voice will be used to encourage and strengthen the Body of Christ, to warn about sin as a desire to bring about reconciliation, as an instrument of worship to break the chains of warfare, as a voice addressing social issues from biblical examples. The prophet voice will be used creatively, in many settings, among many groups of people in ways that we have not seen before. The Lord is bringing the church back to a place of His leading, His timing, and His strategies. I challenge the Body of Christ to pray for honesty among those who have been given the charge to speak.

Many of you will feel that there are certain topics the church is addressing that should not be discussed. The new era prophetic voice will speak the whole counsel of God, that which popular and safe, and that which is unpopular and convicting. Although we have different spiritual gifts, each gift in the Body of Christ is strengthened when we all are in our rightful place using the gifts that God has given us. Those who God is using as a prophetic voice will experience much intolerance from the world. However, in the mist of the rejection they will experience joy because they know that they are speaking what the Lord has asked them to speak (Proverbs 15:23). Let not our position as believers look like the world. There may be times when you do not understand why some of the prophetic voices are saying what they are saying, be careful not to pray against what you do not understand, but ask God to strategically lead you in prayers that will be in accordance to the thoughts of the Lord, Isaiah 55: 8-9 (AMPC).

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

To the young Believer in Christ: We are entering into a new age, a time where your spiritual growth will be accelerated. I am seeing examples of David and Goliath. Young believers in the faith and in age will stand firm, exemplifying holiness, and righteousness, you will exemplify the faith of the “Heroes of the Faith” (Hebrews 11). Your faith will be unwavering. But your scriptural knowledge is limited. The Lord wants to put deep a biblical foundation inside of you. The trials that you will face will cause you to study the Word more and in-depth. You will need spiritual mentors (Proverbs 12:15), those who believe in the call on your life, understand the timing and seasons of the Lord, and the urgency of the times. The Lord is saying prepare, prepare, prepare. Do not move ahead of the Lord, learn to hear His voice clearly. Beware of the temptation to be exalted by man, instead desire to be pleasing to God.

To the Believer who has been saved a while and is gaining confidence to speak out about sin and unrighteousness: The Lord is saying Go Deeper, Come Closer. I am reminded of a passage of scripture in which David expresses his love of fellowship with God (Psalms 63:1-8). For there are many who are rising up and saying that they speak on behalf of God, but you know that is not so. There are times when you hear someone say something that is inaccurate according to scripture, and there is an unsettledness that you feel; you know that it is the unction of the Holy Spirit. There are times when you have risen up and clarified the truth with the Word or taken a bold stand and you have been called names, ridiculed, and it has been costly. These experiences have caused fear, fear of man, fear of the repercussions of taking a bold stand for Christ, although you have been called to be a prophetic voice. Sometimes you back away from what the Lord is asking you to say. You fear being reproved, ostracized, and even mocked. You have even said to the Lord, “if this is from you, and if I am supposed to say something, why do I feel afraid.” This fear that you are experiencing is an intimidation fear, it is not from the Lord, it is designed to keep you from speaking truth and righteousness. The fear of God is that of reverence, designed to strengthen you to walk in complete obedience. Do not be afraid, for God is with you (Isaiah 41:10). As you gain greater understanding of God’s love, you will not fear. You will speak righteousness, and boldly proclaim the truth of the Word of God.

To the seasoned Believer in Christ: We need you to carry the prophetic mantle. The releasing of the prophetic is for the glory of God, not man. The Lord is saying to wear a coat of humility. Only God deserves the glory. There are those who are younger in age and experience with regards to their prophet voice, teach them, train them. Not for your glory but for the glory of the Lord. The prophet assignments are increasing, I see steps and doors, there will be many opportunities that will come your way. But there are specific opportunities that are designed to take you into deeper relationship with the Lord. There will also be opportunities that will come your way that should be avoided and they are designed to cause you to stumble. The enemy is going to try to silence the prophet voice by causing embarrassment, humiliation, mockery, and thoughts of confusion. Stay close to God, gird yourself up in the Word of God. Take a step back from the busyness of life, you will need to spend more time with God.

In closing, to all Believers in Christ, my prayer is that we all practice wisdom and timing in the words that we speak (Proverbs 25:11).


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