Sound The Alarm

I originally made this post for Facebook in 2021. Recently, I read over it, and I still see the relevance of the post today. So, I have chosen to “re-post” it on my blog, with a few additional comments in the text. I hope it inspires you to walk closely with the Lord, follow His instruction for your life, and work to have a true understanding of the Word of God for yourself.

We are living in urgent times. Our world has been experiencing a great uprising. Many believers have been watching and experiencing the various shifts that have been taking place in our world. The shifts are requiring that the Body of Christ prepare for battle. We are experiencing the labor pains of a great spiritual battle, and we must be equipped, armed with the appropriate gear to endure the battle (Ephesians 6:10-19). This battle has many implications for our world. The battle has caused Believers in Christ to turn against one another. We are also putting more faith in their intellect to solve problems, than using the instructions of the Word of God. The battle has caused the Body of Christ to selectively choose to follow the parts of the Bible that are comfortable but dismiss anything that goes against what they want to do, or what is trending. The battle has caused us to doubt and deny the power of the Living Word. Christians are refusing to profess their love for Jesus in person because they fear being sanctioned. In this battle we have seen many examples of the Body of Christ demonstrating Isaiah 5:20(AMPC).

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

This battle has caused members of the Body of Christ to avoid calling things sin because they fear being called judgmental. Many who have been walking with Christ for a long time are still searching to go deeper, but do not know how to get there, or where to find the answers. Finally, many in the Body of Christ are using their God given influence to exalt themselves instead of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Saints, we need each other! We are the Kingdom of God! This battle requires strategies from heaven. For this battle we need several things, a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit flowing through us, accurate understanding and depth of the Word of God, a deeper revelation and facilitation of worship, daily intercession, and the willingness to obey God immediately. We must recognize how the enemy is using to Body of Christ to sow discord. We must realize that our brothers and sisters in Christ need our prayers, our instruction, and our true love. This is not the type of love that supports sin and things dishonorable to God. This is the type of love that speaks truth (Proverbs 27:5,6). Saints of God we must get back on track. The times are urgent. The attacks of the enemy are relentless. I challenge you to take your position as a soldier in the LORD’S ARMY.


God’s Purpose


A Call to Truth