Divine balance

May is mental health month, and as a public health practitioner, I find it befitting to address one aspect of the topic. Recently, I have been recovering from extreme symptoms of long-term stress. Interestingly, as public health practitioners, we are taught, cautioned, and trained to recognize the signs of stress. Unfortunately, I did not recognize them when I was having the experience. I noticed the physical and emotional changes but did not connect them to stress-related symptoms. I believe it was because I could not recognize how unbalanced I had become in my daily routine. I had begun to focus entirely too much on completing professional tasks, meeting the needs of my friends and family, and staying diligent in meeting the timelines and goals I set for myself. 

Proverbs 16:2(AMPC)

All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirits (the thoughts and intents of the heart).

After several years of trying to keep up with the demands of my life, I began to put all the symptoms together, recognizing that I was experiencing stress overload; another way of classifying my symptoms was burnout. One or two days of rest was not going to solve this problem. I needed to make some lifestyle changes, which included a career shift, committing to daily me time, regulated sleep and exercise, and I worked towards having more intentional focus during my quiet time with the Lord.  

Proverbs 16:11 (AMPC)

A just balance and scales are the Lord's; all the weights of the bag are His work [established on His eternal principles].

As a result of these changes, I began to gain several spiritual benefits. My level of communication with the Lord increased. I can hear His instructions clearly, and regularly. The Lord controls my work schedule, and I no longer approach my daily responsibilities begrudgingly. I aim to approach them with gratefulness. My mind is more precise, and my creative ideas flow regularly. I choose to rest in Christ while experiencing His peace, even in imperfect situations.

The teachable nuggets that resulted from this experience included gaining a greater level of reliance upon the Lord. This process includes listening to His instructions to meet His timeline. It means relinquishing my right to be in control. I was humbled to examine my motives and admit that my desires did not align with what the Lord was asking of me. I now rest, knowing that even though I do not have the complete picture of the end goal, the Lord will provide me with enough information to move forward. He is with me, "He is in the details."  I am enjoying everyday experiences and embracing divine balance.

Job 31:6 (AMPC)

 Oh, let me be weighed in a just balance and let Him weigh me, that God may know my integrity!


Are your wounds driving away true relationships?

